Join us for Family Fit Day with the Bergen County Health Department

Attention New York residents: Be sure to swing by Family Fit Day this Sunday, September 14th 9:00am – 1:30pm, hosted by the Bergen County Health Department! The event features free exercise all day (think Zumba, CrossFit, yoga and more), and is sponsored by a slew of awesome partners.

Click here to register!

Family Fit Day

Spott3r Spotlight: Lindsy May

Our most recent spott3r member is a healthy mom who has earned her title. Lindsy May explains that she has always been bigger, but athletic. Once she got to college, she tried working out but had no control over her eating. Getting married, working and having two kids didn’t help. Every once in a while she would get the spark to be healthier but it never stuck. It wasn’t until after her second c-section that she realized her weight was a big contributor behind her emergency c-sections.

“This January (6 months after the birth of my second son) I decided enough was enough.”

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Lindsy started with a Zumba class at BYU (her almamater), took before pictures, and went from there. We’re so impressed with how far she’s come in just a few short months!

What is Lindsy’s favorite workout?

“I really feel the burn doing stadiums at my local high school and I love doing barbell squats. It really surprises people when I stack the weight on!”

Her best fitness achievement to date?

“I’ve never been a runner and I worked my way up to 5 miles back in April! I’ll be working on running again for my first half marathon in October”

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When it comes to working out, Lindsy is a Pandora girl all the way. Her favorite stations include Imagine Dragons and Michael Bublé.

What’s playing on her iPod right now:

“Demons” – Imagine Dragons

“Girls Chase Boys” – Ingrid Michaelson

“Ten Feet Tall” – Afrojack

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healthy mom

What is Lindsy’s current fitness goal?

“I’m working my way to be comfortable in a Medium shirt, and size 10 pants. After that, it will be hitting 50 pounds lost!”

What motivates Lindsy to get to the gym when she’s struggling?

“With two kids, gym/fitness has become my ME time to de-stress and unload. I have never been a morning person, but now I can’t wait to get up at 6am and get my time in! And of course, the changes in my body are awesome too!”

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What’s Lindsy’s biggest excuse for not working out?

“Not getting a full night sleep. If my babies wake up during the night and keep me up it’s easy to decide I’ll do a workout later, but working out at home is so much harder and not me ME time, just working out.”

Speaking of her ME time, Lindsy knows she had a great workout when:

“I’m dripping sweat and I can keep my calorie count averages about 10 per minute.”

healthy mom healthy mom

If Lindsy could give one piece of fitness advice to a newbie, what would it be?

“Always believe. Everyone thinks that they can change for the worse, so why can’t you change for the better?”

Keep up with Lindsy’s fitness journey on our Instagram where she’ll be posting all next week!

Spott3r works to get people paid for their workouts. Learn more on how you can earn cash reimbursements for your gym visits here! Ready to sign up for your free eligibility check? You can do that too, here.

Spott3r + CityMD Fitness Reimbursement Program

We are thrilled to announce that we are now partnering with CityMD Urgent Care for a fitness reimbursement program! The program allows CityMD employees to receive money back for their workouts, leading to happier and more productive lives.

“This shows how forward-thinking and innovative CityMD is; this is an investment in the employees’ future and other employers should follow suit.”

– Spott3r Founder, Rami A. Rafeh

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Millions of employees nationwide are eligible for gym reimbursements from their companies’ insurers. Though, many such employees fail to process the necessary paperwork to receive the reimbursement.

We address this issue head-on by providing a streamlined platform that files a reimbursement claim on an employee’s behalf. In doing so, we increase gym patronage, a function that is in alignment with the interests of insurance companies, employers, and gyms.

Calvin Hwang, CityMD’s Chief Experience Officer, commented on the partnership by saying:

“CityMD’s partnership with spott3r helps us practice what we preach. We care for the well-being of everyone on the CityMD team. We tell all team members to care for the well-being of each and every patient that walks in our doors. And this partnership is a way for CityMD to show our team that we care for their well-being not just with words but with action.

As a company we are also excited about using technology to promote health and wellness. Spott3r is an impressive example of putting today’s technology to use to promote wellness and I am excited to introduce spott3r’s technology to CityMD. I’m certain that it will help us get our team healthier and give us all a more positive outlook on life.”

A little more about gym reimbursements:

Mutual Benefits for Employers and their Workforce

  •    Employees: use motivation to maintain a fitness regimen.
  •    Employers: seek healthy employees to: (1) avoid job disruptions – i.e., presenteeism or absenteeism (2) keep healthcare costs low, and (3) keep employees happy and engaged.
  •    Fitness Clubs: increase memberships.
  •    Insurance Companies: insure healthier clients to reduce healthcare costs and reduce the risk of catastrophic claims.

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About spott3r

Spott3r is a gym reimbursement service based out of NYC and founded on the principle that everyone could use a spot or plainly, that people could use an extra nudge in terms of staying healthy and active. Spott3r works with gyms, employers, insurance companies and joint venture partners to motivate people to get in shape and stay in shape through cash incentives.  Spott3r’s engagement program is designed to help an individual maximize his or her fitness potential since what gets measured, gets managed, which applies to personal fitness as well as general healthcare spend.

For more information about spott3r, visit

fitness reimbursement




6 Tips for Morning Workouts

We know it’s not easy getting out the door for your am gym sesh. We’ve pulled together a little tool kit to help you out! Below are our 6 tips for your morning workouts.

morning workouts

1. Have your gym clothes and daytime outfit picked out the night in advance.

Need a boost where your gym clothes are concerned? Check out our “Workout Gym Clothes/Gear” board on Pinterest for inspiration!

2. Set your alarm 15 minutes before you actually need to wake up.

This allows time for your body to adjust.

Pro Tip: Try to wake up at the same time every day. This will make it much easier to get out of bed, we promise!


3. Before you start thinking about the tasks ahead, breath deeply and appreciate the silence.

Be thankful for waking up another day and vow to use it to its fullest potential!

4. Put on an uplifting song.

Our “Upbeat Workout Playlist” has everything you need for a happy morning.

Need a few more ideas? Here are some of our favorite workout playlists.

5. Eat a small, healthy breakfast.

This will activate your metabolism and help you get out the door. Some ideas include: toast and peanut butter, a smoothie, or a Cliff bar if you’re on the go.

6. Remind yourself that could be getting paid for it!

See if you are eligible for cash reimbursements here.


Image via: Intent Blog 

Spott3r Spotlight: Natalia Bonanno

A warm, spott3r welcome to foodie and fitness fanatic, Natalia Bonanno! From CrossFit training to half marathons, Natalia inspires us on a variety of levels.

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Natalia works as a food scientist and has always been into nutrition and fitness, but it really became a part of who she was when she started CrossFit about two years ago. Until then she always worked out to lose or maintain her weight, but never really enjoyed exercising. Once she started CrossFit she began to enjoy working out and revamped her fitness goals.

“I no longer strived to be skinny and focus on the number on the scale, but wanted to be fit and strong.”

When it comes to food, Natalia incorporates a lot of the basics of the paleo diet into her cooking and eating habits. She always looks for fresh, local and responsibly sourced foods while avoiding processed foods, cane sugar, gluten and dairy as much as she can.

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Her favorite workout? Natalia loves to run but also enjoys variety so any CrossFit workout with running really gets her energized. Her very favorite is called the “Helen” saying that it’s quick and fun!

3 rounds:

400- meter run

21 kettle ball swings (with a 35-lb kettle bell)

12 pull ups

Natalia’s biggest fitness achievement to date?

“This year I competed in my first half marathon and first triathalon, both equally important to me because they really brought me out of my comfort zone and forced me to start running a lot.”


What motivates Natalia to get to the gym?

“The people. Since I go to the same CrossFit classes every day I always work out with the same people. The members along with my coach inspire me and motivate me to work harder and get stronger. If I wasn’t surrounded by such positive and encouraging people it would be really hard to get up at 5:30am for a 6am CrossFit class.”

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Her current fitness goal?

“My current fitness goal is to be able to do a Muscle-up! The half marathon was enough distance running for me and a good challenge, so now I set mini goals to work towards in my CrossFit training.”

When asked what her biggest excuse for not working out is – and she says she doesn’t have one.

“I work out 6-7 days a week and the only days I take off are when I’m too sore to move, so resting is probably a good thing!”



What’s on Natalia’s iPod right now:

“Bulls on Parade” – Rage Against the Machines

“30 Something” – Jay-Z

“Turn Down for What” – DJ Snake and Lil Jon 

(Because sometimes she just needs an upbeat goofy song to get her going!)

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Natalia’s last words of wisdom:

“You have to find what you love. I don’t look at CrossFit or running as a chore because I truly enjoy it. Sometimes I’ll go out for a mile run and get so into it that I keep going for another five. With CrossFit, even the workouts that I dread doing I wind up liking when they’re done because I feel proud that I challenged myself and pushed through the workout.”

To keep up with Natalia’s fitness journey, visit our Instagram where she will be posting all week! You can get a head start by following her here.

crossfit training

Love the gym? Get some extra incentive by getting paid for your workouts. Find out if you are eligible for cash reimbursements here.

Learn more about a few of our other spott3r members, Britney, Lindsay, Wilhelmina, and Michelle!


Motivational Fitness Quotes

Another Monday, another chance to get it right! Here is our weekly roundup of motivational fitness quotes. Simple, straightforward, and just what you need to get off your butt and into the gym.

Need more incentive? Find out how we can help you get paid for your workouts (it’s not a scam, we promise).

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Want more motivational fitness quotes? We’ve got you covered. Check out last week‘s roundup or our fitness inspiration board on Pinterest!

Leave your favorite quotes in the comments and we’ll be sure to include them in our next roundup!

Spott3r Spotlight: Wilhelmina Giese

We are delighted to welcome Seattleite and fitness queen, Wilhelmina Giese, to the spott3r family! This 24-year-old college grad recently recovered from surgery on her ankle, and is ready to tear it back up at the gym!

“This summer has been focused on recovery and rehabbing my ankle. I have had to re-teach my right foot how to walk and strengthen the muscles in my ankle. Besides this injury I am an avid athlete, health freak and adventurer.”

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One week before her surgery, Wilhelmina attempted to summit Mt. Rainier.

I got to 12,500 ft and had to turn around due to 40mph winds. It was the best weekend of my life to say the least. I think everyone needs to push themselves to the limit truly see what they’re capable of and in that moment of reaching 12,500 ft I knew what I am capable of doing in this life.”

Her favorite type of workout? Circuit training. Here is her recipe for success:

Start with cardio (running for 30-45 minutes)


Choose 3-5 exercises and do 10-20 reps of each

Repeat 3-5 times

Cool down

What is her motivation for staying fit?

“One main motivator in my life is my mother, who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. This past year she lost the ability to walk and drive, she has been battling this illness for nearly ten years. I feel there is no excuse for people to not exercise and practice healthy habits because so many people in the world cannot due to illness. Whenever I am tired or don’t want to go for a run I just think of my mother. I want to do the things she can no longer do.”

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Her biggest fitness accomplishment to date?

“I was a member of a Crossfit gym my senior year of college and one session I dead lifted 300 pounds, once.”

 Her current fitness goal?

“My current fitness goal is to rehab my ankle and this is a six month process until I can run and play soccer. Right now I have to focus on what my ankle can do and not think long term. I am taking life day by day.”

She knows she had a good workout when:

“When I leave the gym dripping in sweat, smiling.”




Wilhelminia prefers to listen to house music or rap when she’s sweating it out at the gym.

“I feel that music plays a huge role in the success of a workout and how it motivates me to do one more set.”

What’s playing on her iPod right now:

“Years” – Alesso

“Onto the Next on CyHi” – Jay Z

“Bulletproof” – The Prynce feat. Yelawolf

If she could give one piece of fitness advice to a newbie, what would it be?

“Take it slow and don’t try to keep up with others who have been going to the gym for years. Newbies are welcomed with open arms at the gym, and people want to help them reach their goals and improve their techniques. Don’t be afraid to try new things or cut foods out of your diet to reach your goals – you can do it!”

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Keep up with Wilhelmina’s fitness journey on our Instagram, where she will be posting updates all week! Want to meet more members of the spott3r family? Check out our spotlights on Britney, Lindsay, and Michelle!

Spott3r Spotlight: Michelle Wood

A warm welcome to Michelle Wood, one of our newest spott3r members! This full-time high school English teacher and Beachbody coach is excited to share her story online because she finally found a health and fitness plan that has worked for her.


Her biggest fitness achievement to date? Eight weeks after she has her second son (and second c-section), she started Insanity and finished it – which lead to T25, P90X3, Combat, and now PiYo. She’s lost 40 lbs, kept it off, and is now smaller and stronger than she was in high school!

“My current goal is to maintain my level of fitness for life and improve my flexibility and weight-lifting.”

What motivates this fit mom to go to the gym?

“My motivation is to be able to keep up with my boys for a lifetime of activity. I know how good it feels to be in shape so that keeps me going!”

1533897_566094256818227_1869175701_nMichelle’s favorite workout is T25.

“I absolutely LOVE getting a killer workout in 25 minutes in the comfort of my home. In the 10 workout videos, he covers everything from yoga to weight training to sweat-pouring cardio and has a schedule of when to do what. Shaun T is the most authentic, caring, motivating trainer there is!”



What’s your biggest excuse for not working out and how do you solve that?

“Usually it’s time. I am crazy busy with all of my responsibilities and the different hats I wear. My solution is no excuses. Just get it done. Even if that means I have to go somewhere sweaty afterwards. If I do miss a day, I do a double on Saturdays to make up for it.”


What’s your one piece of fitness advice?

“Find what you enjoy and share it with those you care about! That is why I love DVD workout programs I can do at home. You get all kinds of variety so you really see results and never get bored – and to check in with friends keeps you accountable!”

You know you had a great workout when:

“There is sweat pouring off my head and I’m crying laughing at the end. That euphoric feeling of really leaving it all out there on the floor and feeling energized for whatever comes next!”


On Michelle’s iPod right now:

1. “Happy” – Pharrell Williams

2. “Am I Wrong” – Nico and Vinz

3. “More” – Usher

Want to learn more about this fit mom? Check out her facebook page or her inspiring Instagram account: @coachmichellew.

We’ll also be posting about her fitness journey on our own Instagram! Be sure to stop by and learn more about the rest of our awesome spott3r community!

For more information about spott3r, visit our website.

Monday Motivation: Fitness Goals

A new week, a new chance to get it right! Here are some ideas for fitness goals you can add to your routine over the next month:z

  1. Run 10 miles. Think one long run, and several, shorter stints.
  2. Add weights. Comfortable with your 5lb dumbells? Add a barbell to your squats or a 10lb medicine ball to your usual sit-ups.
  3. Plank for a total of 15 minutes. Similar to running you can try for a 2-minute plank or a few, longer ones.
  4. Go to the gym 5 times. Getting to the gym can be half the battle. Need more incentive? Use spott3r to find out if you are eligible for cash reimbursements from your insurance company (you likely are!)
  5. Pick one new machine and give it a try. The rowing machine, cycling bikes, and leg press are fun options.

Want to make sure you stick to your goals? Print these out and leave them around your office or home for added motivation!

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Do you have any fitness goals you’re proud of or would like to achieve? Let us know in the comments below!

For more inspiration, visit our Fitness Goals board on Pinterest!



How Companies Can Save Money With Fitness Programs

Companies are hopping on the fitness bandwagon and it’s paying off. Thanks to provisions in the Affordable Care Act, which offers companies incentives for implementing wellness programs, there are more reasons than ever for companies to take social responsibility (and save money while they’re at it!).

One such success story begins with Appirio, who managed to shave $280,000 off their insurance premiums through their program CloudFit. The program got started when Appirio signed up with Anthem, which offered the company $20,000 to start a wellness program. They used this to purchase and distribute Fitbits to their employees. Data from these devises were used to shave 5% off their premiums the following year – how’s that for a chunk of Change!

Want to get in on the action? There are a lot of ways for companies to take advantage of these savings.

Many insurance companies offer cash reimbursements to those that regularly visit the gym. Spott3r makes it super easy to take advantage of this insurance perk. All you have to do is fill out this form to get your free eligibility check. Spott3r member, Lindsay, just got her first gym reimbursement check of $20. That adds up to a yearly $240 cash in! Learn more here.
