Tag Archives: healthy tips

Common Gym Terms You Should Know

Let’s face it, the gym can be daunting. Whether it’s your first time at a health club in years or you’re trying out new equipment, there can be a lot to learn to navigate your way around! Naturally, we’ve got you covered. Below is a glossary of some of the most common gym terms and what they mean, so you can walk around like you own the place.



Spot: When someone assists another person with an exercise. ie: “Can you spot me?” or “I need a spotter.”

Rep – A rep (short for repetitions) is how many times you do a single exercise in a row. i.e.: “I did 8 reps at 80 pounds”.

Set – A set refers to a group of repetitions done without stopping. i.e.: “Do 3 sets of 10 reps”

Circuit Training – A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in a series of different stations or pieces of equipment.

Intervals – This is when you train at a low intensity for a period of time, followed by a high intensity.



Ripped – Someone is ripped when they have very low body fat and muscle separation is visible and defined. i.e.: “That guys is ripped!”

Pecs – Short for pectoral muscles (especially with reference to the development of these muscles in bodybuilding).


Lats – Short for Latissimus Dorsi – the large muscles that run down the back

Quads – Quadriceps (front of the thighs)

Core – Refers to your trunk – your low back, mid back, abdominals, obliques and stabilizers.

What other terms do you think are important to know? Leave in the comments below!


Spott3r helps people get people paid for their workouts. Click here to see if you’re eligible for a free gym reimbursement check!

References: “Do You Speak Gym” via pfitblog, “The Ultimate Guide to Gym Lingo” via greatist.


10 Ways to Save Money at the Gym

We hear it all the time: “I can’t afford to go to the gym”. While it is true that gym memberships aren’t free, there is no reason cost should hold you back from a healthy lifestyle. In fact, if you work it right, you may be able to break even or better yet, MAKE money by going to the gym! With all the health incentive programs entering the industry right now, there has never been a better (or cheaper) time to focus on your fitness. Here are 10 creative ways for you to save money at the gym:

1. Research daily deals in your area

Flash sales offer a great way to get a deep discount on a regularly high-ticket classes. Better yet, you can shop around before committing to your favorite. Try Groupon, LivingSocial, or Zozi to find some local deals.

2. Commit at the right time

You can usually get the best deals around the end of the year holidays (Christmas, New Year’s Eve) or during the slower summers. Gyms have financial goals they have to hit and will likely offer the best discounts to prospect members during this time.


3. Walk to the gym

Obviously, this one depends how far you live from your gym, but if it’s manageable, you should always walk! Not only do you save money on gas or parking, you get the benefit of that warm up and cool down time.

4. Bring your own supplies

This includes things that you spend money on at the gym, such as:

  • Locks
  • Water bottles
  • Protein shakes
  • Post-workout snacks

These things tend to add up!


5. Refer friends!

Most gyms have referral programs and will give you all kinds of incentives for bringing in prospective members. The perks range from gift cards to membership credits to cold hard cash!

6. Utilize the free personal training session

Before you decide to splurge on a trendy fitness class, remember that many gyms offer a free personal training session with your yearly membership. Take advantage of this free pass, at the very least, and keep an eye out for package deals or group rates with your favorite trainer!


7. Check your insurance

Many health insurance companies offer gym reimbursements to members who workout regularly. For example, UnitedHealthcare gives $20 to every member who goes to the gym 12 times or more a month. That adds up to $240 a year! Find out if you’re eligible for cash reimbursements here, or simply fill your info into the form below:

8. Prepay upfront

You can save a ton of cash by paying for 12 or 24 months upfront. For example, you can buy a 2-year membership certificate for 24 Hour Fitness at Costco for $369.99. That works out to $15 a month!

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9. Two words: corporate discounts

Ask your employer if your company offers any corporate discounts. The savings are usually pretty steep (20-30%) and chances are, the gyms in the program are close to your office.

10. Wear your FitBit and cash out

Who knew that you could earn money for using your FitBit? Rewards include things like Walgreen’s Balance Reward points, perks from AchieveMint, or donations to charity. (You can see a full list of awesome incentives here.)

gym reimbursements

Spott3r helps people get people paid for their workouts. Click here to see if you’re eligible for a free gym reimbursement check!

Photo cred: YMCA Twin Citiesnotyourgoodfatty.com, picturecorrect.com, worldfitnesscertification.com

How to Hit your 2015 Fitness Goals

2015 is just around the corner and with a new year comes new opportunities for a healthier life! That said, it’s not always easy knowing where to start or how to set realistic expectations for yourself. We’ve put together a quick guide to ensure you have the tools you need to kickstart this new chapter!


1. Assess where you’re at. Be honest.

Let’s be honest – we may not all be where we hoped to be by the end of the year (especially after the holidays). This is a great time for us to check-in with our bodies and re-evaluate where we’re at.

Ex. Spott3r member, Lindsay Anderson, thinks she’s done a great job at hitting her cardio goals this year, but has been slacking a bit on strength training. She also occasionally puts off her workouts due to a hectic work schedule and cold weather. In order to get past these and hit her 2015 fitness goals, Lindsay needs to figure out how to get past these roadblocks.

Which brings us to our next point!

2. Find out what motivates you vs. what sets you back, and fix that. 

Everyone has an excuse not to work out. Whether its time, money, or simply not knowing where to start, there are a million reasons people put off fitness.

Lindsay, for example, plans to get past her fitness roadblocks by ensuring she gets to bed early enough to fit in early morning workouts (tips on how to get up for these here) and invests in warm weather workout gear!

(Is money holding you back from getting a gym membership? See if you’re eligible for a fitness reimbursement here.)


3. Set realistic goals

Sure, if we hop on the scale and see a number we’re not happy with, our first instinct is to swear off all sweets and hit the gym twice a day. While that might get you through the first week of the new year, chances are you’ll be burnt out and cranky by week two, and much more likely to give up on your goals.

Start by setting some realistic and feasible goals – and remember to focus on creating a healthy lifestyle, rather than numbers on a scale or pant size.

Some ideas for weekly goals here. We’ll also be launching our 15 goals for 2015 series on Instagram tomorrow – be sure to follow us for all the fitness inspiration you can handle!


4. Measure them

The last part in our quick guide to hit your 2015 fitness goals is measurement. What good is setting goals if you aren’t completing them?

If you’re tracking something quantifiable, such as mileage or cardio minutes, fitness apps such as RunKeeper and Nike Training Club are great.

If you’re tracking something unquantifiable, such as getting more sleep or eating clean, it may help to start a fitness journal and implement a once-weekly reflection.

You should now have all the tools you need to kick off your healthiest 2015! Think we missed anything? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

gym reimbursements

Spott3r helps people get people paid for their workouts. Click here to see if you’re eligible for a free gym reimbursement check!

Photo cred: Gumbo Fitness, Women’s Health Magazine

Important Health Insurance Marketplace Dates

Open enrollment is in full swing, and for those new to the health insurance marketplace, or reassessing their options for 2015, there can be a lot to learn!

Most importantly, there are several very important deadlines. And pushing off a decision, such as your 2015 insurance plan, until the last minute is never a good idea. Here is a full list of deadlines so you can set your self up for a healthy 2015 with time to spare!

(Friendly reminder: If you pick a plan with a fitness reimbursement program, you can cover most if not all of your gym costs! Learn more here.)

  • November 15, 2014: 2015 Open Enrollment starts
  • December 31, 2014: Coverage ends for all 2014 Marketplace plans
  • January 1, 2015: 2015 coverage can begin
  • February 15, 2015: 2015 Open Enrollment ends

During 2015 Open Enrollment, if you enroll or change plans:

  • Between the 1st and 15th days of the month, your coverage starts the first day of the next month.
  • Between the 16th and the last day of the month, your coverage starts the first day of the second following month. So if you enroll on January 16, your coverage starts on March 1.
  • Between February 1, 2015 and the deadline of February 15, 2015, your 2015 coverage begins March 1, 2015.

Note that you can enroll in the Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) any time of the year.

More information can be found here.

gym reimbursements

Spott3r helps people get people paid for their workouts. Click here to learn more about how you can earn cash reimbursements for your gym visits! Ready to sign up for your free eligibility check? You can do that too, here.

Fitness Tips: Community Roundup

Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr are known for providing an avalanche of fitness tips, advice, and motivation. (Don’t worry, we can spend ours browsing the fitness glory on these sites too!)

We decided to take it back to the basics and pull some advice directly from our fitness community. After all, it’s you guys who are getting up and making things happen every day! Is it always easy? No. Glamorous? Definitely not. But it’s health and it’s important. Here is our community roundup of awesome fitness advice:



1. “Find something you like, that you are likely going to continue to enjoy. At the very least, find a physical activity you like, and do it with a friend. Start slow, and help each other.” – Ryan Serhant

2. “Always believe. Everyone thinks that they can change for the worse, so why can’t you change for the better?” – Lindsy May

3. “Take it slow and don’t try to keep up with others who have been going to the gym for years. Newbies are welcomed with open arms at the gym, and people want to help them reach their goals and improve their techniques. Don’t be afraid to try new things or cut foods out of your diet to reach your goals – you can do it!” – Wilhelmina Giese

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4. “Incorporate fitness into your lifestyle. Look at it like brushing your teeth, your every day normal!” – @gritfit_kj

5. “Lunges and protein.” – @rob_karaguez

6. “Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s!” – @ashcash813

7. “Dedication” – @vsvpmarkus

8. “Never give up – never surrender.” – @drmom21

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Think we missed something? Leave your #FitnessTips in the comments below!